
Verses of the Day!

Thanksgiving – By His Holiness Pope Shenouda III

When we give thanks to the Lord, we are glorifying God, acknowledging His loving kindness to us. Come, taste and live the life of Thanksgiving to God for His glorious works and love to us!

He who lives the life of thanksgiving is a noble person, acknowledges and does not forget . . . → Read More: Thanksgiving – By His Holiness Pope Shenouda III

A Prayer for the New Year – By His Holiness Pope Shenouda III

Lord, make it a blessed year… A pure year to please You… A year in which Your Spirit prevails… And joins in working with us… Hold our hands and guide our thoughts from the beginning of the year till its end…

Let this year be Yours, to please You… It is a New Year, . . . → Read More: A Prayer for the New Year – By His Holiness Pope Shenouda III

The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Love of Honor

Whenever one tries to approach the Blessed Virgin Mary to understand the secrets behind her life, one’s mind gets boggled and baffled by them. For, while a lot of women and leaders of women’s movements fight to obtain rights and honor, this simple poor girl appeared on the scene of events to become . . . → Read More: The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Love of Honor

Saint Anba Abraam: The Friend of the Poor

The Saint, Anba Abraam, Bishop of El-Fayoum and El-Giza “The Friend of the Poor” 1829 A.D. – June 10th, 1914 A.D.

The Saint, Anba Abraam, Bishop of El-Fayoum and El-Giza was born in 1829 A.D. (1545 Martyrs) in a small village called Delga, 16 Miles (27 Km) south west of Malawi . . . → Read More: Saint Anba Abraam: The Friend of the Poor

Fasting – by Pope Kyrillos VI

The late Pope Kyrillos VI of triple blessedness, wrote this moving message to his children that had emigrated to other countries on the occasion of holy Lent. It was written shortly before his departure:

Peace to you from the Lord and grace and blessing. Our Good and Compas­sionate . . . → Read More: Fasting – by Pope Kyrillos VI

Saint Paul the First Hermit – by St. Jerome

The Life of Saint Paul the First Hermit was written by St. Jerome in the year 374 or 375 during Jerome’s stay in the desert of Syria, and was dedicated to Paulus of Concordia.

1. It has been a subject of wide-spread and frequent discussion what monk was the first to . . . → Read More: Saint Paul the First Hermit – by St. Jerome

Saint Anthony – Father of the Monks

Saint Anthony was the first Christian to live a life of consecrated solitude. As a hermit in the desert he lived a long and saintly life that influenced countless people both in his time and for generations thereafter, even to this day.

His life had a tremendous impact on the history . . . → Read More: Saint Anthony – Father of the Monks

تَذْكَارُ مِيخَائِيلَ رَئِيسِ الطَّغَمَاتِ السَّمَائِيَّةِ

ملاك السلامة والتهليل رئيس جند السموات… خادم رب القوات، لابس حلة وإكليل؛ ومميز بشرف أعلى الدرجات في القوة والرئاسة.. متقلد سيف النصرة وسلطة النعمة ليصرع الشياطين ويُسكنهم مواضع الويل ويطرحهم أرضًا مهزومين… وأمام سيفه النارﻱ تفزع الشياطين ويولون منكسرين من مجرد ذكر اسمه العظيم… الذﻱ يبارك جهات الأرض كلها ويمنح سر النعمة . . . → Read More: تَذْكَارُ مِيخَائِيلَ رَئِيسِ الطَّغَمَاتِ السَّمَائِيَّةِ

The Feast of Nayrouz – By His Holiness Pope Shenouda III

The Feast of Nayrouz means the feast of commemorating the martyrs and we do not commemorate the martyrs once a year, but it is as if we commemorate them every day. If those among you read the Synaxarium you will find that every day it says, “In this day the Church commemorates…” and . . . → Read More: The Feast of Nayrouz – By His Holiness Pope Shenouda III

St. Mary, Mother of God: “Humble Hands”

Two thousand years have passed since the time of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth leaving behind much room for intellectualization as well as speculations; but above all casting a perpetual illumination on the type of life our dear Mother of God had led and the duties carried out by those “humble hands”.

. . . → Read More: St. Mary, Mother of God: “Humble Hands”