
Verses of the Day!

Departure of Mrs. Fawzia Kamel (Mother of Mrs. Nermine Zaki)

“Blessed is the man You choose, and cause to approach You, that he may dwell in Your courts.”

(Psalms 65:4)

Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, the servants, and all the congregation offer their deepest condolences to Mrs. Nermine and all the members of the family asking the Lord to repose Mrs. Fawzia’s soul in the paradise of joy.

Mrs. Fawzia is the wife of Mr. Shafik Zaki and the mother of Mrs. Nermine Zaki (wife of Eng. Sameh Sargeos) in Hamilton, Canada, Eng. Tamer Shafik Abdelshahid (husband of Dr. Nermine Saied) in Brampton, Canada, Mr. Amir Shafik (husband of Mrs. Marian Mikhael) in Cairo and the grandmother of Monika and Meray Sargeos; Abanoub, Marina and Mina Abdelshahid; Lavina and Perla Amir and the aunt of Mrs. Antoinette Wasef (wife of Mr. Maged Mattar) in Mississauga, Canada and her siblings in Egypt.

The family will be accepting condolences through the phone at (905)9295522 and also at St. Mina Church on Thursday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 pm over two periods (registration link to attend the condolences:

ابونا متياس وشعب الكنيسة يتقدمون بخالص العزاء للأستاذة نرمين زكى (زوجة المهندس سامح سرجيوس) لانتقال والدتها الأستاذة فوزية كامل ميخائيل التى رقدت في الرب على رجاء القيامة يوم الأحد الموافق ١٩ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١م. ربنا يسوع المسيح ينيح نفسها في فردوس النعيم و يهب عزاءًا لكل العائلة فى مصر و كندا

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